To complete the entry form you will need:

  • Name, organisation, email and mobile of the nominee/s (additional spaces will become available for the Collaboration category)
  • Nominator and/or Administrator details
  • ONE high-resolution head-and-shoulders photo of the nominee/s (up to 5 for the Collaboration category)
  • Key project information, up to 500 words (not required for the Emerging Professional category) – project name, location, cost, scope etc
  • Up to 500 words about the nominee/s – noting the judging criteria
  • Up to 500 words tell us a story about the nominee/s – how they overcame a specific challenge, how they went above & beyond etc
  • Up-to FIVE high resolution photos of the project (not required for the Emerging Professional category)
  • Details for two referees (name, email address and phone number)


Entries for the 2023 Awards have closed.



NZIOB membership is not a prerequisite to entering the New Zealand Building People Awards, though the following are:

  • Entrants need to be based in New Zealand and legally allowed to work here,
  • The projects used by an entrant to demonstrate their performance must be located in New Zealand, and to have been practically completed (the issuing of a CCC is not a prerequisite) during the period 1 January 2022 to 18 August 2023.



The entry cost for the New Zealand Building People Awards is $350 + GST, with the following exceptions:

  • Entry across all categories is free to a nominee who is an NZIOB member (financial/paying members only);
  • Entry is free to a team where at least one team member is an NZIOB member;
  • Entry is free to a nominee entering the ‘Consultants Award’ category for members of: the NZIA, Engineering NZ, or NZIQS;
  • Entry is free to a nominee entering the ‘Innovation Award’ category for members of NZGBC and OffsiteNZ.